An Evolved Soundtrack
It has been a long road to where we are now in the final polishing phase, with our closed beta progressing well. We’re getting closer to release (honest!) and are ready to start sharing more about the game. Eagle-eyed fans may already have seen some of these details, but we’ll be doing even more deep dives in the coming weeks.
While making Primal Carnage: Evolution for PlayStation, we’ve been polishing every aspect of the experience possible. That includes the game’s soundtrack, which has been massively expanded!
In addition to the legacy tracks by maestro Gareth Coker, there are now all-new themes and remixes for each of the dinosaur subclasses! This new soundtrack composed by Lyndon Kwan stays true to the unique style created for the original games while bringing new textural elements...
From the boneheaded brawler Pachycephalosaurus to the “desert nomad” feeling of the wandering Spinosaurus, each dinosaur will now have a distinctive musical voice, featuring newly created light and heavy combat tracks.
In addition to this, the expanded OST features new ambient tracks for sandbox exploration, hanging out in the Dilo Clubhouse, and browsing your inventory. In total, there will be over half an hour of brand new music, not counting the various new “stingers” that occur during gameplay!
The long-unused Humans and Dinos Start tracks from back in the day will now trigger the first time you spawn into a match. Outside of the longer themes, we’ve been adding event-specific music tied to certain conditions. For example - if a human is pounced by a raptor, they’ll hear the raptor theme while being mauled. The music will now change when capturing / defending an objective instead of just using the generic heavy track, and when the match is in its final minute or enters overtime a tension track plays.
If you’re on a rampage killing a bunch of enemies in a row, the “killstreak” theme for human / dino / tyrant will start blasting. There’s also a lot of smaller “stingers” with short cues for everything from getting an up close melee kill as human, to being melted by acid!
Taken as a whole, the new music makes the experience a lot more dynamic and exciting compared to before, but this is just one of many major overhauls we’ve been working on. Even just on the audio side, there are over 3000 lines of newly recorded dialogue, plus revamped weapon sounds across the board! Check back soon for more details…
For more news and all the latest sneak peeks, check out the official Primal Carnage Discord!