A Look At Lore
There’s always been subtle storytelling running throughout the environments of Primal Carnage, but it has never been at the forefront. Genesis was the last time anything was attempted on a large scale story-wise, and unfortunately that game never came to fruition.
However, when we got the chance to do Primal Carnage: Evolution we decided to expand on many of the ideas and dangling threads that were hinted at in the past. Some of these notions actually hail from the Genesis era and are only now being brought to light…
Some new story elements are already present in PCE on PC. Look around and there are some not so subtle additions such as billboards and posters intended for employees. These serve to promote Phoenix International (the secretive biotech corporation behind it all) and hint at how diversified the company is, from military contracts to breakfast food.
Elsewhere, pre-recorded public service announcements will be heard echoing from spekaers placed throughout the maps, which expand on the company’s dealings further and give a window into the day to day goings on at each facility.
After the dinosaur breakout, there were still scattered survivors. They valiantly tried to stay alive as the facilities were overrun by lizards, some leaving messages behind before being eaten.
The mercenary team enocunters evidence of these Remnants scrawled on the walls of bases they explore and battle within.
These often darkly humorous notes are another glimpse into what happened before you arrived, and sometimes offer some pointers for new players regarding the dinos they’ll be fighting.
The real meat of the story will be found within the new Intel documents, which will debut first on PlayStation with the launch of Primal Carnage: Evolution.
Intel comes in a few different forms and provides insight into how the dinosaurs were brought back to life, what caused the outbreak, and who you’re playing as on the mercenary team.
Document types range from personal journals, to company memos, autopsy reports, newspaper articles, interrogation transcripts, chat logs, species dossiers and more.
While many docs will be found scattered around the game world, quite a few will be unlocked by completing tasks in-game. The mercenaries also keep their own diaries, and new entries are unlocked as you complete trophies etc. related to each class.
Around 200+ pieces of Intel will be discoverable for those who want to dive deep into the lore of Phoenix International, devour data on the dinosaurs and catch up on the cleanup crew.
We hope that whether you choose to go down the rabbit hole or only see the tip of the iceberg, the additions we’ve made provide a rich backdrop to your unfolding carnage!