Extinction v3.0 changelog
A new MAJOR update is now available for Primal Carnage: Extinction on Steam, this is the initial release of Version 3.0!
This major update brings many refinements to the game including over 20 remastered maps, numerous gameplay and visual upgrades plus enhanced sound design. There are so many changes in this update it would be difficult to list them all, but we have tried to gather as many as possible in our full(ish) patch notes below.
For a deep dive into some of the major reworks arriving today for PCE on PC, check out our previous blog posts!
NOTE: many features and improvements are still coming later, some of which will not appear on Steam until after the release of Primal Carnage: Evolution on PlayStation, so think of this as a rather meaty “appetizer” for what is to come…
NEW Heavy Melee Dash - closes the gap to a dino if you melee when they are nearby
heavy melee now staggers Raptors and Spitters, briefly preventing them from moving or attacking
doing a heavy melee attack now uses over 70% of your stamina if you miss
NEW: weapon sanity check - spread and impact calculations are now tested twice for better lag compensation.
NEW: client-side hit detection for machete to make it much more reliable
NEW: Cryo can now melt more types of throwables - Medkits, Ammokits, Energy Drinks are all dissolvable
NEW: spitters will explode when headshotted with charged spit held ready
NEW: spitters now spawn spit puddles on death
NEW: "Goomba Stomping" the humans - jump on them to deal Crush Damage
(Pachy deals 30 damage for crush, Carno and Cerato deal 100 damage, Ttyrants 150)
Fixed some throwable utilities still being usable after they are hit with acid
Bruiser charge collision rework to fix dealing knockback through solid objects such as walls and ceilings
increased thrown ammokits lifespan from 30 to 45 secs
increased effective range of burst rifle
Tranquilizer and crit damage is now blocked when Tyrants are bracing
reduced Cerato health from 1500 to 1420
Modest speedboost for Acro
Increased Cryo health to 290
increased Spino claw swipe damage from 110 to 125
reduced thrown speedgreed energy buff duration from 15 to 10 seconds
fixed Land Mines dealing excessive damage to Bruisers when "stacked"
Faster M4 carbine melee attack
Tweaked how toggle crouch works with flying
better behaviour while holding crouch to land, so that you don't get stuck in crouch mode on impact
if you have Toggle Crouch enabled, it will actually act like a toggle while using it to dive now
Fixed flaregun projectile not appearing properly in multiplayer sometimes
Fixed the Pachy's attack speed not being boosted when roaring in multiplayer
increased minimum speed needed for Pachy slide from 640 to 680
Added more bones to small dino gore archetypes for better "crit detection"
Tweaked Cerato attack cooldown timers
Cerato now has exploit prevention check - no longer able to interrupt bite with tail swipe and vice versa
added extra velocity to help exiting deep water from swimming (WIP)
Increased unstuck bump a bit since it was no longer being helpful before
Increased max step height
Added "lag compensation" for pounce
raptors who fail to hit their target but land close enough are now automatically latched on to the human
extra checks are in place to ensure raptors do not magnetize to enemies that aren’t within their view
Added entirely NEW pounce velocity calculation algorithm, allowing pounces at angles that would not be possible before, such as pouncing down and up to rooftops with ease
Pounce arc trajectory rewrite - fixed ridiculously high (and slow) jumps when aiming nearer to you
More accurate aiming indicator for pouncing now gives a clearer idea of where you will land
(previous version would almost always have you undershoot compared to the indicator’s position)
Pound indicator now instantly swaps between red/green for valid jump locations for more immediate feedback
Raptors are now staggered if they run out of stamina while pouncing someone
humans kick the raptor off them in this situation, the stagger giving their victim time to recover
Tupa divebomb groundpound now delivers much more damage on direct hit
Tupa divebomb damage now varies depending on height - high altitude dives will deal more than low altitude ones
Reduced tupa divebomb groundpound radius
Added controller rumble for Tupa groundpound impact
slightly increased Tupa air ram damage
Tupa divebomb is now prevented if attempted directly over large water volumes, to stop you getting stuck
NEW weapon sound design for nearly all guns
Much more punchy gunfire, with your own gun sounding more powerful than other players
Added new reverb effects for firing weapons close up and long range
More nuanced foely effects for reloading and inspecting weapons
Optimizations to 3rd person weapon sounds for a cleaner soundscape
NEW voice actors for Commando, Pathfinder, Pyro, Scientist
Added first set of expanded dialogue cues, with more variety in the current voice triggers (help/follow/heal/etc)
Many extra dialogue triggers will be added to each class in future, with hundreds of new lines now recorded
NEW expanded radio dialogue for Chopper Pilot
now has instructions relating to all GTTC primary objectives
radio message intro dialogue plays at round start
final objective idle dialogue triggers if not captured with 60 seconds left
NEW customizer sounds for selecting loadout items
NEW sprint breaths that get louder as stamina is drained for humans
NEW different footstep sounds for each human (WIP) - e.g. trapper now has jangling cowboy spurrs
death sounds for the things you kill are now more "present" in the audio mix when faraway
Added a raptor pounce charge start sound
fixed netgun equip sound using the old short version
footstep pitch now changes when sprinting
Fixed equip sounds not playing properly for some guns
Added pitch adjustment on weapons when near the end of a clip
made new sounds for scoping, reloading and equipping multiple guns
added sounds to inspect and melee animations that were missing them
general sound system optimizations
NEW: slope alignment system for characters going up and down hills
NEW: golden interactible object highlight now shows when close enough to use objects (corpses, crates)
NEW: Weather System - on a rainy map, characters will now look wet and have associated wetness effects...
- wet level increases over time and slowly decreases indoors
- new particles for splashes on and drips falling off characters
- added drops on camera lens when looking up on rainy maps
- weapons will also appear wet when out in the rain
NEW: implemented hot barrel glow for guns when low on ammo
Enhanced all weapon muzzle flash effects
Improved flamethrower dynamic muzzle light
3rd person sniper rifle scope is now much more shiny
generated custom environment reflections for nearly all water puddles in the game
added new screen effects, such as when standing under waterfalls
killing with the Machete can now cause head loss
various lens flare updates with new lens dirt effects
changed the Acro camera POV to use center_head, like a normal dino
fixed spectator "death cam" failing to work after a few deaths and getting stuck on the floor sometimes
fixed camera on customization / class select sometimes not activating correctly after map load
fixed camera jitter when entering crouch
fixed tracker arrows applying explosive screenshake
updated tyrannosaurus head mask for better subsurface scattering blend between body and head
fixed "kill confirm" flash not fading out smoothly
Fixed throwables melted by acid still having their outline highlights visible
Fixed acid dissolve time on throwables not cycling properly
fixed Alpha Novaaptor boss AI shows as a normal raptor
fixed AI dinos don't show randomized skins
fixed Dog being overly wobbly
fixed company caps using the weapon shader and looking weird
fixed spitter earmuffs not being visible in-game
fixed floor offset of Suchus Cryo model mutation
fixed default brightness setting value
NEW: added low health animations for all Tyrants
NEW: added raptor pounce "ready up" animations when aiming
added different stungun animations for light and heavy shots
humans now have different animations for being eaten by Tyrants from front or behind
Added "weapon IK" system to ensure player hands in 3rd person grip guns better
Updated acro idle posture + bite anim
Updated tupa divebomb land anim
Smoother spino bite anims
Fixed M4 still using AR reload motion in 3rd person
added 3rd person carbine movement anim collection
added custom 3rd person reload for burst rifle
added a 3rd person flamethrower fire animation
added visible bullets to sniper rifle magazine when reloading
fixed swimming animations being only visible to yourself
fixed missing / broken 3P equip anims for stungun, SMGs, revolvers, netgun, deagle, assault rifle, etc.
fixed character idle anims not looping properly on the Survival ready-up screen
"Big Alfie" now has updated model + animations
various other minor animation fixes
FR-Redwoods (by ArchShiranui)
PC-DocksNight (with help from Othello)
PC-ForestChasmNight (with help from Othello)
PC-UitilityBaseNight (with help from Othello)
New story elements added to various maps
Much greater detail density throughout the game world
Added physics props that can be knocked around or shot
Added more coprses and corpse variety to almost all maps
Added extra cover and massaged sightlines on various maps
Added fire extinguish functionality to rivers on Ubase, Ruthless, Downpour
Fixed collision exploits and stuck spots on all maps
Every GTTC map now has consistent starting timers (6 minutes)
Fixed cinematics getting cut off in GTTC, updated cinematic sequences in general
prevented camping inside the GTTC chopper
players are now damaged by the chopper if they stand underneath when it's landing
Fixed being able to grab sentry turrets in GTTC as Flyers
GTTC-PhantomCave: set longer capture times for control points
GTTC-Falls: fixed the earlier objectives not adding round time when captured
GTTC-Ruthless: added windows to the first capture point
GTTC Ruthless: fixed problems with the chopper not appearing properly
GTTC Ruthless: fixed a kismet warning showing on round start
Capture the Egg maps now have consistent safezones at match start
CTE dropoff locations are now the entire human spawn zone instead of a tiny circle
DeadTide: fixed the background Stegosaurs being set to hidden in-game, added more NPC variety
Airbase, DeadTide, Marsh: fixed being able to go out of bounds
Docks: switched to a different sand blending effect on landscape
Docks: new effects for the Dilo Clubhouse
TheFalls: fixed back base building having gaps in its walls
Borealis now has a random chance of snow falling each time you load the map
Marsh and VisitorCenter now have variable fog density over time
numerous AI map bug fixes
added new human scene and extra details to main menu map
fixed CheckGameMode logic for TDM not working in Solo / listen servers, (caused things like CTE fog appearing in TDM for the host)
NEW: crosshair centre dot now changes size when targeting weak or strong points
NEW: overhauled HUD for Capture the Egg (semi-WIP)
Combined eggs display at top of screen shows carry and capture status instead of splitting display between teams
added CTE dropoff location icons for both humans and dinos
map rotation now properly checks if map exists before switching, so a server cannot load invalid / missing maps
Tranq / Poison state should not apply with No Damage / No Kill server option now
Gamepad rumble effect updates:
roar rumble is no longer interrupted by other rumbles
improved rumble when dive bombing as Tupa
updated Tyrant footstep controller rumbles
added rumble to actions such as reloading
new rumble when diving as Flyers, wing flap rumble in flight
Added the following unique kill icons:Rex Tailswipe
Spino Clawswipe
Spit Hit Acid
Spit Hit Venom
Bear Trap Instant Hit Damage
Bear Trap Bleed
Burst Rifle Bleed
Gas Mine
Zap Trap
Pyro Bomb (victims)
Tupa Divebomb
fixed incorrect icon for Prairie Oviraptor
updated default flaregun description to make sense
Updated medkit heal challenge to specify it needs to be completed as Commando
Fixed an incorrect scientist description ID
replaced "Predators" with "Raptors" in various places
updated "tranq rifle" engraving to read "poison dart rifle"
Performance improvement: fixed several Acro mutation models that had excess bones
Various code efficiency optimizations, such as Flamesaw code performance improvements
This is easily amongst the largest updates we’ve ever done for PCE on PC, so please bear with us if there are any teething problems. We’ll have a few extra fixes and improvements with the Halloween patch in a couple of days. Scare you soon…
-The Primal Carnage Team